Thursday, February 18, 2010

Girls (and Boys) Gone Wild

So I joined a book club. And let's be honest, I joined a book club to meet cute boys who read good books and instead, found myself in a room of middle aged ladies and one gay dude from Houston who swears he doesn't know Sarah, which means he's the crappiest gay dude from Houston ever. Essentially what I'm saying is, I have no idea how to meet men. But I'm not as much of a social trainwreck as the folk from this month's book club selection! Yay! Here's to not being Amish!

But seriously, this book is fascinating, as are any and all books about those subsects of humanity that somehow manage to participate in our world and yet not. This is a pretty even-handed discussion of the Amish and their tradition of Rumspringa, when teenagers "run wild" prior to settling down and becoming baptized in the Church. The writing is peppered with real life stories, some that seem too crazy to be true. And on one hand, I pity these people so much especially because their scholing ends in 8th grade, because, y'know, learning highfalutin' things like literature just make you think you're better than your kinsmen. But on the other hand, to grow up with that sort of community? That's sort of special.

But if I had to take a buggy to get everywhere, I'd go batshit.

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