Thursday, May 6, 2010

the organic grass is always greener

I seem to live perpetually in the past. I hated living in Cincinnati until I went to college and then suddenly, I was a Reds fan, a Bengals fan and seriously considering the possibility of becoming one of the World's Fattest Ladies by living off of Graeter's mocha chocolate chip. In Los Angeles, I lamented my loss of the Chicago theater scene and the beautiful lakefront, even though by senior year, I was so checked out on Northwestern, I tried to convince my parents (in vain) to let me graduate early. And now, in New York, I have become a west coast hippie. I yelled at my mom for letting the water run while she was brushing her teeth a few weeks ago. Seriously. I'm that girl. And that girl reads philosophy books about ethical eating. On public transit wearing vegan footwear and carrying a canvas bag of greenmarket veggies. It's ok, I kind of hate me too.

That said, really really interesting book. Except I officially can't go grocery shopping now without getting a migraine. Did you know that a farmer in new york using a special heat lamp to start tomato growth a month earlier so he can sell them at a farmers market uses more gasoline than a truck driving tomatoes from florida to new york? So environmentally, option b is more ethical. But what about the treatment of the workers in Florida? Point for option a! But who is growing them organically which is not necessarily more ethical anyway!!! AND SHOULD WE EVEN BE EATING TOMATOES WHEN THEY ARE NOT IN SEASON??

My head is going to explode like a Florida tomato picked when green and then ripened to a nice red by the time it reaches the grocery stores two blocks from my apartment which I ethically walk to.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Urgh. I hate the internet. What I was trying to say was that I wish blogspot had a "like" button because I would click on it. Because I like this. A lot.
